Anxiety and Depression are gaining an increasing foothold in society.
Let’s do something about it!
Depression has been overtaken by anxiety as the most common cause for teens to seek mental health help. More and more, we see Social Media’s prevalence is pressuring and shaping society.
With digital tools impacting so directly on our social lives, there appears to be a direct link between social media and our emotional well being.
A consistent message from psychologists around the world is that social media also puts pressure on young people to live their lives in the public domain. In doing so, they feel anxious and stressed by this constant exposure and feedback to their content. This goes to the extent that these pressures create a negative fallout among all the positive elements that social media can provide.
We here at I’m Enough care greatly about your safety. When difficult situations arise in life, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, or like you can’t cope. If you feel you need immediate help for any reason, I’m Enough has a comprehensive list of professionals ready to listen and help you – please visit.
If you have an emergency please dial 111 now.
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